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Rachel's Madness!


Rachel's Madness' website is now officially open for business. There's still some work to be done, but the bones are in place to make this a wonderful website where people can shop for some great homemade items. I named my business Rachel's Madness because sometimes I think I'm just a bit mad sometimes with all the different things I love to do. I decided to change my hobbies into a business opportunity because, well, there's only so much stuff you can make yourself and I found myself at a crossroads between careers.

I'm hoping to add blog posts with more informational, how to, type blogs. But I've never blogged before, so it'll be a true learning experience. But, I guess this whole thing has been a learning experience, as I've never made a website, I'm fairly new to the resin world, and I've never tried to sell anything I've made before.

I'm keeping this first blog nice and short, but I do want to send a shout out to my amazing cousin Becky who helped me a ton on my Logo. She did an amazing job and was incredible with the computer.

If you have any questions, concerns, or want a specific type of an item (custom order, I guess is the proper lingo), then please feel free to email me at

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